Once, long ago, Dued Inclusive hired Nonym to build a machine that could build a world for Nonym's spacefaring people. They succeeded too well, and it showed it's hand: this part-forest, part-machine thing came alive and did what it was truly designed to do: Devour.

Flo, an idealistic college student, and Huey, a self-absorbed high school senior, happened to be doing direct action at the moment it revealed itself.

Now, all four of them dream of escape. Will they? Is it too late? What of the world they unleashed this monstrosity upon, and the galaxy?

Four short stories (secretly five) set in the Island Demeter universe.

**Structural Spoilers**

Even if you see repeat text, if you haven't seen 5:50 yet, you haven't reached one of the four endings (they're randomized).

For a chapter select, hang around on an ending page for 60s

For relevant episodes, see Bella, with an Excellent Manicure (Huey, Deonna); Nonym Learns to Mourn (Nonym);  Tingle Dies at the End (Tingle, Ernest, Holligram); FORTHCOMING S02 EPISODES (Dued, The Engine, Fina Ruin, Deus Lakrim)

All text & code (with the exception of Twine 2 (Harlowe) itself, of course!) by Bee w/ thanks to folks across the Internet for making things easily findable. Cover art by Bee, modifying these four images. Keep their licenses intact & all that.

12th in a series of art projects made by me, for the internet, on my birthday. Previous projects can be seen here.

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